Terms and Conditions.

General Disclaimer

  • All material on this website is intended for general education and information purposes only, and are not intended as, and do not take the place of medical or professional advice. 

  • I do not provide any medical advise, diagnosis, treatment or medical service.

  • If you have any concerns about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional as soon as possible.

  • The information I provide on the website is for educational purposes only, and any opinion expressed by myself in my blog or social media posts are subjective in nature. However, I always strive to provide up to date information, and draw from experiences in my own personal life, my professional practice as a physiotherapist, my expertise as a Hypopressives trainer and up-to-date research. However, you must not rely on this information.

  • The Hypopressives programme usually takes between 12 and 14 weeks - however, some individuals with long term problems or who have had previous surgery, may take longer to progress through the programme. Before you start the programme, I will discuss expectations regarding symptom improvements with you.

  • Always seek medical advice before embarking on any exercise programme. All exercise is undertaken at your own risk and that Hypopressives with Annika cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen health issues you may have. 

  • Before starting a Hypopressives programme, you (the client) must have completed the welcome pack to assess general suitability for Hypopressives. However, ultimate responsibility in assessing the suitability and safety of Hypopressives rests upon you, the client. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the contraindications, or have any other health concerns, you may or may not have stated, then it is up to you to get the necessary approval from a medical professional to start the programme. 

  • You are responsible for updating me, Annika Pulli, with any changes to your health, which may or may not affect the suitability of the Hypopressives programme undertaken.

  • I will provide you with support and guidance but the success of the programme will depend on factors including your motivation, time commitment and participation. 

  • Participation in the Hypopressives Programme by yourself, is undertaken with the understanding that no litigation or legal action whatsoever will be initiated, and that no form of compensation or reimbursement or refund will be claimed or applied for at any time now or in the future against Annika Pulli, under any circumstances whatsoever. 

  • In using the programme, you acknowledge there is an inherent risk in any fitness routine, and there is no guarantee that you will fully resolve your issues or improve your symptoms significantly as a result of purchasing or completing the Programme.

  • Feedback from you, the client, regarding symptom improvement during the programme will be measured using a validated research questionnaire - the first is completed at the start of the programme and the same questionnaire is completed at the end of the programme. The result of these are used by myself and the Create Lift Team as anonymised data to provide information, on social media and at events on the effectiveness of the Hypopressives technique. This is purely in the form of symptom and quality of life improvement data collection. I will ask for your written permission. If you do not wish for you results to be included - please inform me by email.

  • Any feedback given after the course has ended, will be published with your permission, using your first name.​

Retention of right to change offering

I (Annika Pulli) may, without prior notice, change the services; stop providing the services or any features of the services I offer; or create limits for the service. I may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend access to the services without notice and liability for any reason or for no reason, including technical problems. 

Ownership of intellectual property, copyrights and logos

The Service and all materials therein or transferred thereby, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, video and all Intellectual Property Rights related thereto, are the exclusive property of Annika Pulli. Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in these Terms shall be deemed to create a license in or under any such Intellectual Property Rights, and you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works thereof.


Please contact me if you are unsure whether Hypopressives is suitable for you before you book onto a programme. Contraindications include - some heart conditions and uncontrolled blood pressure problems, recent surgery, pregnancy - only for the apnea, within 6 weeks postnatal, some shoulder conditions will need programme modifications, serious digestive conditions can be a contraindication, particularly if experiencing a flare-up, and some hernias.

When 1:1 sessions can be scheduled (in person / via video call)

Before you start the programme, you will be able to choose a time which is convenient for you, depending on availability.​

Booking & paying for sessions

  • Please call me to book into the programme 

  • In placing a booking, you (the Client) do so with full and informed consent and agreement with all the terms and conditions of use.

  • The programmes are only for those aged 18 years or over

  • Published prices may change. 

Cancelling / rescheduling appointments

  • Please let me know as soon as possible if you can't attend a scheduled appointment.

  • Should I need to cancel a session due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, the session will be rescheduled and offered on an alternative day as soon as possible. 


  • If you have booked the 14 week programme and cancel before the first appointment, 50% of the Programme cost will be refunded to you within 24 hours, as long as you haven't received access to the online programme.

  • Unfortunately, I cannot provide a refund once you have received access to the programme, and without the appropriate teaching support 1:1 I will have to terminate your access.

Highly personalised 1:1 Create Lift Programme with Online teaching material (see below)

  • The programme runs for 14 weeks. 10 separate 30 mins appointments will be scheduled.

  • The time commitment for yourself is 10 mins twice a day, most days to progress smoothly through the programme.

  • 4 hours is the minimum contact time required to learn the technique. 

  • Ongoing access to the teaching and practise videos after the programme has finished, is included.

  • You will be invited to complete a questionnaire before starting the course, and again at the end. This is to monitor your symptom improvements, and with your permission, for anonymised data collection to measure the efficacy of the technique. 

Online Programme

  • The online material (at https://www.alicehousman.co.uk) includes over 120 hours of teaching and practise videos in an easy to follow format. There are weekly teaching videos  where you learn the 8 postures and combine them into a practise 'Flow'.

  • Advanced poses are added in around week 8 and you'll then be able to progress onto a new advanced flow. 

  • You will have ongoing access to the online programme after you finish working with me.

  • In using the Online Programme, you agree to use it for its intended purpose. You also agree not to use any part of it for commercial purposes.

  • In using the material, you agree that you have obtained necessary medical advice and are fit to proceed with the programme. 

  • You also agree not to download, share or copy any part of the online teaching material or videos.

  • You agree not to share your log in or give anyone else access to the material at https://www.alicehousman.co.uk .

  • We reserve the right to terminate all access to the course if you share your log in details with other parties.

Right to suspend or cancel user account 

I may permanently or temporarily end or suspend your access to the service without notice and liability for any reason, including if in my sole determination you violate any of these terms or any applicable law or regulations.